From the dawn of recorded time, humans have sought to better themselves and their destiny in life. Using self-help to change your life starts with identifying your needs. Knowing what you want to change and what you need to do to affect that change are key.

In this era of non-stop technological innovation, wishful thinking has yielded to the hard doctrine of personal optimization.

At the most fundamental level, our desire to improve ourselves, alongside the belief that this is possible, is an act of rebellion against the idea of determinism. Engaging in the act of self-improvement is our  effort to take control of our lives. It is an attempt to defy whatever forces we may blame for our perceived insufficiencies: nature or nurture, genes, the environment, karma, fate, or the constellation of the planets. Our belief in the improvability of the self can be seen as a powerful act of defiance, an assertion of control in a world where it is all too easy to feel powerless and adrift.

“Our relations with one another is like a stone arch.

It would collapse if the stones did not mutually support each other,

and upheld in this a very precise way.”


  • chart your progress,
  • count your steps,
  • log your sleep rhythms,
  • tweak your diets,
  • record your negative thoughts
  • then analyze the data,
  • and repeat.

Unleash the novel inside you

with compelling characters,

intricate worlds,

and fine-tuned prose.

NEED A HAND click this link



“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish. She has mentored many authors and edited their work.” 

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