PUBLISHED – December 2024
A powerful, heart-wrenching, emotional story of an abusive relationship,
following the death of a sibling,
and the long term affects of domestic violence.
Love, death, grief, fear
domestic violence
psychological trauma
physical and mental abuse
Why I wrote ‘Love Nevermore’ – Domestic abuse remains an immensely under-reported crime with an estimated 25% of domestic violence incidents are reported. 44% of women or 6.2 million women aged 15 and older have reported some kind of abuse in their intimate partner relationship. The long-term effects of abuse include physical and mental health.
Love Nevermore – ’til death do us part
Consumed with grief after the death of her sister, Alexis vowed to never love again. Then when she was most vulnerable, Steve swept into her life, rescuing her like a knight in shining armour. The walls that protected her heart crumbled and fell. He was a saviour, who took away all that grief and it felt so good to be alive – to be loved.
All too late, Alexis discovered what Steve was all about. Held emotionally captive, heavy curtains hid the horrors that went on behind closed doors. Alexis fell into the trap of being too terrified to leave yet filled the crazy need to stay. For decades Alexis was drenched in fear, shame, and guilt, and knew she was bound to him until parted by death.
This book explores the psychological effects that years of mental and physical abuse can cause. All too often, Alexis felt the six trauma responses at the same time – Freeze, Flight, Fight, Fright, Flag (nervous system shutting-down) and Faint – most of all on that cold, dark night in the woods. Imprisoned in a marriage of mental and physical abuse the victim can become unpredictable.
If you liked ‘Behind Closed Doors’, you will enjoy ‘Love Nevermore’. Don’t miss out on this powerful, heart-wrenching story.