Includes Linda’s early childhood memories, her family tree, her nomadic journey across the South Pacific and her lifelong dream to be an author

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5.0 out of 5 stars – Very Good Read, Linda Wasylciw. “Your Memoirs” You took me there. Your sailing escapade was awesome. You Brave lady. I’m now reading about Ashenee. You are a great writer.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5.0 out of 5 stars – What an interesting life, and a very good read. L M Wasylciw makes her life adventures come alive. Making us want to take our sailing boat out in the ocean. Only, without the winds, will I go. However, We will do the walking tours of other countries. Thank you for giving us more great ideas for travelling.

“It’s My Story and It’s Sticking to Me – a memoir”

is a revelation of Linda Wasylciw’s girlhood, her single-minded drive to be different and begins with her birth in a tiny farmhouse in Worsley, Alberta. The reader is taken on a nomadic journey of her life as the wife of an oilfield worker, her globetrotting, including her South Pacific sailing adventure, and the memorable trek across the North of England.

For the ancestry-minded, Linda shook the family tree and flicked a few leaves, hoping to uncover some family nobility then offered an inside look into the recent generations, revealing ancestors from only a couple of twigs back. Read about her account of marriage, deaths, careers and paths chosen. The memoir also includes a sharing of her views on the world and its affairs.

Linda writes about her life-long desire to be an author, explaining how and when that actually came to fruition.

This book is a mélange of historical bits and pieces that have shaped her into who she is today, including memorable fragments of the past that have stuck to her along the way.

Amazon e-book ‘It’s My Story and It’s Sticking To Me’

Kobo e-book ‘It’s My Story and It’s Sticking To Me’ 

Barnes & Noble e-book ‘It’s My Story and It’s Sticking To Me’

Amazon Paperback ‘It’s My Story and It’s Sticking To Me’

Barnes & Noble Paperback ‘It’s My Story and It’s Sticking To Me’

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