Contemporary fiction


Wrongful conviction


Bonnie and Clyde syndrome



Murder mystery

AUTHOR’S NOTE: why I wrote ‘Appointment With Death’- In Canada, in 2023, the wrongly convicted registry identified 83 wrongful convictions. Those who were accused and convicted are now exonerated. The statistics on domestic violence: a woman is killed by her male partner, on average, once a week. This data is often used in criminal cases – convicting innocent people. 

Appointment With Death – The injustice of wrongful convictions by L.M. Wasylciw 

Rob Carson’s life had been turned upside down; his wife, Janey, was dead and he was imprisoned for her murder. Rob maintained his innocence. From the day of the bludgeoning, statistics put a target on his back. The data was all too clear, husbands kill wives. Kara, Rob’s childhood sweetheart, was in disbelief. The whole of it was inconceivable. Rob was not capable of such a heinous, brutal act. He was not a killer. Kara threw herself into the fight for justice, determined he had been railroaded; even the transcripts reflected little more than circumstantial evidence. Where was the justice?

Kara knew she was treading on thin ice. When it was just the two of them it was all too easy to forget how Rob had dumped her for Janey. The girl who always loved Rob was laying her heart on the line, again. Very quickly Kara was ready to dive into a relationship with Rob even though he was behind bars.

In this gripping psychological thriller, Kara fights to clear Rob’s name, while her friends whisper behind her back, accusing her of having hybristophilia – a fascination with criminals. But Kara didn’t care. Her feelings for Rob were real. They were meant to be together. Her love for him was not a weird fascination for ‘the bad’, as some of her friends claimed. It was love, pure and simple, that grew from childhood swings. Kara was determined to do whatever it took to get Rob out of prison. The police could then search for Janey’s real killer.

This book explores two things:

  • the justice system and how people can be wrongly convicted.
  • the psychological factors that compel a person to become infatuated by and devoted to what society considers a monster; be it for fame, love, importance, or obsession. Women with hybristophilia will do almost anything to get close to the prisoner they are attracted to.

If you enjoy books like ‘Gone Girl’ and ‘The Girl on the Train’, then you will become completely immersed in this gripping psychological thriller.

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Amazon Paperback-book Appointment With Death


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