Dysfunctional family
child abuse,
alcohol abuse
AUTHOR’S NOTE: why I wrote ‘Forgiveness Be Damned’ – For decades, if not centuries, the problems connected with dysfunctional families has been long ignored. Even in this modern world of awareness and closer proximity more than 50 percent of families are dysfunctional.
Audio sample ‘Forgiveness Be Damned’
Forgiveness Be Damned
A gripping thriller with an emotional twist
Tommy Belanger was raised in a dysfunctional family, plagued with abject poverty, incest, alcohol and child abuse. His life was filled with grief, hunger and horror. The family had been moved from one poverty-stricken two-bedroom shack to another. Always hoping for a better tomorrow. Landing in a home the mirror image of the one they had escaped. Tommy hated how that lifestyle affected him and his siblings and he detested his father more and more as the years slipped away. Tommy soon realized that it would take a miracle to escape such a life and was terrified that the apple would not fall far from the proverbial tree.
Tommy’s story is a reflection of how child abuse and neglect are problems that have seemingly become a part of our world. For far too long this problem has been swept away or ignored. It is time to talk about it.