Professor Scry takes young readers beyond the imaginable, 

opening their psychic eye to explore subconscious thoughts.


Visit Page: Elfinville

Visit Page: Lydia

Visit Page: The Witch’s Brew

Visit Page: Blackbeard’s Buried Treasure

PUBLISHED in 2023:

Visit Page: Ethan’s Magic Puzzle a Christmas story


Visit Page: I Can’t Remember


Amazon books by Professor Scry

Young minds do not move, think or follow a straight line, nor does imagination or creativity.

Go out, go out, I beg of you
And taste the beauty of the wild.
Behold the miracle of the earth
With all the wonder of a child.
                        ~ Unknown

Professor Scry opens the door to places that are elusive, magical and enchanting.

It is a place of  mystery

and treasures. It is a sphere where there are

elves, pixies, fairies or leprechauns,

witches, ghosts and

aliens or creatures from some distant planet exist.

They all have a story to share!

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