The simple answer is 5. The honest answer is 8 (today) but that number could change tomorrow.
Readers are often surprised to find out that their favorite authors have unpublished manuscripts. New writers tend to think that their “debut” novel will definitely be the first book they ever try to write. Most authors have creative work that has not been finished, for whatever reason. Perhaps the creator may have chosen to never finish it or may have been prevented from doing so by circumstances outside of their control. I like to give myself the gift of ‘done’ and eventually do finish my books BUT when I finish one another three are begun. In truth it is a losing battle – one that I love.
But writing a book from beginning to end is only the first step – it is getting the reader to read that book from cover to cover that is the challenging part. Most books go half-read. Most readers believe that reading is not about the chore of finishing a book, it’s about pleasure. Who can argue that – if they have begun a book that is not gripping.
My unfinished books:
- Măjitópiă
- I Can’t Remember
- Blackbeard’s Buried Treasure
- Love Nevermore
- Please Teacher
Books in the planning stages:
- 12 1/2 Angels
- It’s Not My Fault
- The Snake Oil Artist
My mind never stops and
who knows what new idea will develop into a story.