Is TikTok a window on the world or a Trojan horse? In the past few years, TikTok became the most popular website in the world—It grew to unprecedented numbers. However, these short-form videos also brought about the rise in mental health issues, addiction, bullying, and more.

Facebook was the first perpetrator. It offered endless news stories of addiction, dopamine spikes and bullying. Then fake news hit the headlines.

Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms have adopted their own versions of TikTok. Scrolling through short-form videos is becoming the societal norm.

Maybe TikTok is just a phase and with a new app people will move on. We can only hope that, by that point, the damage it’s caused isn’t permanent.

TikTok’s negatives:

  1. addictive,
  2. negatively impact mental health,
  3. sets unrealistic standards,
  4. a hot spot for cyberbullying.

TikTok’s algorithm is designed to add users by focusing on retention and time spent. The program is to get users addicted by learning your tastes, sexual orientation and mental health. Whereby taking advantage of the way you think.

Positives About TikTok

  1. TikTok isn’t all bad. The app spreads awareness, grows a business, expresses creativity, finds a community, educates, promotes body positivity, and brings light to certain issues.

A child abuser may not be crawling through your child’s window, but another, very destructive force may be flooding into your child’s mind through social media apps. TikTok is at the top of the list. Be vigilant and beware! If we lose our moral and spiritual grounding, we lose all, and chaos soon ensues.

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“Linda has published twenty books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish. She has mentored many authors and edited their work.” 

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