Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) from surviving to thriving changes the world. When you are living your best life, you are out there spreading kindness, love, and beauty. That is what humans do!
We live in a fast-paced, consumer ridden culture connected to technology almost 24/7. Bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information. We process the world on a much deeper level and are more attuned to subtleties in our internal and external environments.
Highly sensitive people tend to process information more deeply than others. This allows them to analyse and make really thoughtful decisions. It also means their nervous system is processing every piece of information over and over, often magnifying it.
HSPs have a sixth sense for spotting and correcting a disharmonious energy. They like to rectify mistakes or misunderstandings quickly and this makes them extra conscientious.
Highly sensitive people are wired to thrive. The key is learning how to create the environment needed.
Our world is fast-paced, where we’re connected to technology almost 24/7. Bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information can be too much for most people, and worse for the highly sensitive.
People who are highly sensitive notice the world around them:
The 5 senses: stimulated by light, sound, smell, touch/texture and taste.
Emotions: an abundance of joy or excitement and can be equally overcome by sadness or disappointment.
Others: attuned to the mood in a room, feelings or subtle changes in a friend or coworker, like recognizing their half-hearted smile or slumped shoulders .
Themselves- can be perfectionists and may worry quite a bit about performance or disappointing others.
Constant mindfulness is crucial to the well-being of HSP — it gives them the ability to manage emotions, like worry, fear, or irritation. Many great artists and thinkers are HSP— generally highly conscientious and intuitive. Strongly impacted by their environment and the people in it, HSPs are very susceptible to and impacted by positive interventions.
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“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish. She has mentored many authors and edited their work.”
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