The plot of a story is the sequence of events that shape a broader narrative, with every event causing or affecting each other. In other words, plot is a series of causes-and-effects which shape the story as a whole.

No matter how brilliantly written, how contemporary, how weighty in literary subject matter, unless your plots grips it will be hard to find a publisher. The plot has to be consistent, clear and authentic. The protagonists and antagonists must feed off each other – building the momentum.

Ask yourself two questions:

Is your story idea weighty enough to warrant 75,000 to 100,000 words?

Is it powerful enough to hold the reader to the end?

Every scene and chapter must keep the reader off-balance. Things may get better or worse for the protagonist but they need to be constantly changing – change is what propels a story forward. And a great story does not just contain satisfying answers for the who, what, where, when and why questions: It also shows development in each of these areas.

Know the 3 key factors:

  • Developing realistic relationships takes time and a deft touch.
  • Character is everything, when structuring your plot.
  • Your protagonists must have a clear central motivation to drive the action.

Use subplots that echo and reinforce the message of the main storyline. In the hands of a savvy writer, subtle sounds and silences can speak loudest. Discover the delicate techniques to draw your readers in, one murmur at a time. Hint at hopeful possibilities and introduce heartbreak along the way.

Unleash the novel inside you

with compelling characters,

intricate worlds,

and fine-tuned prose.

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“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish. She has mentored many authors and edited their work.” 

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