Despite their grisly fixations, people who love murder stories tend to be funny and honest, self-aware and self-deprecating.
The murder mystery genre really came into its own in the 1800’s. However, people have not had enough of blood and gore.
Murder is a crime often solved with intellect. It was more to do with brain and less to do with heroism and bravery. It therefore, had little to do with the sleuths age, gender or physique – so a little old lady could just as easily solve a murder, as could a young woman or man or even a wheelchair bound person.
But predominantly, a murder mystery also ticks the box for a common desire – to see good triumph over evil. Readers want the guilty to be caught and the mystery solved. A good murder mystery that often has the ability to make the hairs on the back of our neck stand on end and wonder who an earth actually ‘dunit’.
Did you miss Liverpool Nova Scotia’s annual Privateer Days celebration? No worries. Perkins’ Ghost will take you on a guided tour, filled with mystery, clairvoyants, fortune cookies and intuitions.
REVIEW: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ A Good Read
I enjoyed this one. A good read, with interesting characters and plot. A good “who done it”. The ending is a surprise, and moving. It will be of especial interest to anybody from Liverpool, Nova Scotia, where the story takes place. The author has a good knowledge of places and local customs, and puts it all together well.
On opening night of the stage play, Perkins’ Ghost, at the Astor Theatre, a shocking murder had occurred, leaving many residents of the sleepy hollow to suspect that the murderer might have been that of the ghost of Simeon Perkins. With virtually no clues to follow, apart from the unexplained sightings of a Perkins look-alike, clairvoyants, fortune cookies, intuitions and a seemingly odd connection between the murder or murderer and the Kings Orange Rangers. Sergeant Hill wondered if the murderer would ever be found.
Amazon E-book ‘Perkins’ Ghost’
Amazon Paperback-book ‘Perkins’ Ghost’
“Linda has published twelve books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish.”