There is no doubt that the stranger the title the better, for there is no way to better capture a reader’s attention. Surprise the reader with something unusual. You could probably open a dictionary, point to a random word, and find a passable title for a book. But is that enough? Probably not.

A great title, not to mention a relevant one, is hard to come by. It goes without saying that it can be an arduous task as well as time-consuming. Invest the time because it will pay off.

Catch that reader’s attention. Make it memorable. Get them talking about it. You are a wordsmith, so don’t be afraid to get creative. Dig deeply into your brain and crate a title that will have everyone talking.

Here are some – need to know – basics:

  1. create a title that identifies a need: Sexy Forever: How to Fight Fat After Forty.
  2. one that promises a result: The 4-Hour Body
  3. creates intrigue: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest
  4. delivers, by providing content that matches the title: Why We Get Fat

Capitalize on a few tricks:

  • Get a Hand: Aldous Huxley, alone, did not come up with this great title ‘Brave New World’. It was borrowed from Shakespeare.
  • Turn a Phrase: If Ian Fleming in ‘Live and Let Die’ and Seth Grahame-Smith in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ can take a twist on a popular phrase, giving a powerful hook for their books, then why not give it a try. It works.
  • Use a surprising Juxtaposition: Two words or phrases, rarely coupled together, make for a very intriguing title. Harper Lee aced it in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.

Step out on the limb.

When I wrote Forgiveness Be Damned

I coupled two words into a surprising juxtaposition….and it worked.

Unleash the novel inside you

with compelling characters,

intricate worlds,

and fine-tuned prose.

WRITING AND NEED A HAND click this link


“Linda has published nineteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish. She has mentored many authors and edited their work.” 

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