Have you thought about your marketing strategy lately?

Marketing can be confusing and convoluted. The most effective marketing strategies are targeted toward your audience. Focus on the key benefits based on your audience’s needs. Deliver at an appropriate time, when the audience is most likely to be attentive to and interested in the message being delivered.

The internet is a busy and noisy place, where the competition is greater than ever.

There are more social media platforms today than ever before, and there will be even more tomorrow.

It’s no longer enough to just do the basics. Your business can’t survive on one blog post a month, one quarterly newsletter or sporadic social media postings.

Marketing isn’t about you; it is about your customer.

Applying effective strategies require effort, time, and commitment.

1: Create Outstanding Content

Create valuable content that stands out from the noise; good enough that it makes other people want to share it.

Your content needs to offer something – improve your readers’ situation in some way. When you have their attention, you need to provide something of value in return.

2: Cultivate Meaningful Relationships

The way you cultivate meaningful relationships is through deep listening and conversation. A like button does not cut through the noise. It doesn’t convey emotion, understanding or value. If you want to stand out comment and engage with other people’s content in a meaningful way. Show your expertise. If you want them to be there for you – be there for them!

Social media is an extension of your client’s lives, so pay attention to what is going on and respond accordingly. You need to listen to what people are saying, especially your current and future clients.

Do it well for them.

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“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish.”