There are countless reasons why we write, how we started, and why we continue. Every author has his or her own narrative behind the reasons to write and every piece of work provides a portal into the life of the writer. For we too have backstory that will inevitably flow onto the page.
When we begin our first draft, we take a leap of blind faith, releasing our inner makings to the world, for all to see. We pour our heart and soul into what we create; designing a string closely tied back to ourselves. Our authorship will be attached to us forever, revealing a piece of who we are. Writing can make us vulnerable, and it is risky. For some people, writing can feel impossible or even crippling when experiencing writer’s block.
An author’s driving force is to provide amusement, persuasion, information, and/or ridicule a condition. Authorship is the responsibility and accountability for all published work.
5 Reasons Why Writers Write:
- To release their own thoughts, providing an effective source of stress release, taking a greater burden off of their shoulders
- To share their lives, travel, or experiences
- To educate or inspire an audience by developing a greater understanding, or the skills and expertise related to any given topic
- To find rest and repose amid an incredibly busy and bustling life — an oasis found through the writing process and its fruition
- To find themselves…through a search amid letters, words, and phrases linked together by only one unique thread of commonality, that of the writer who steps forward with pride and craftsmanship
A dedicated author is driven with the intent to write. Be it for the purpose of amusement, persuasion, inform the reader, and / or ridicule a subject matter.
Unleash the novel inside you
with compelling characters,
intricate worlds,
and fine-tuned prose.
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“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish. She has mentored many authors and edited their work.”
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