For some authors speaking in public or to new people is no big deal; it might even be enjoyable. For others, this is terrifying.

Make the decision to change.

A well-written speech is easier to deliver, and a well-structured speech is easier for speaker and audience to remember than a rambling shambles.

The tricks and style of the ancients still work in public speaking. – repeating a word or phrase at the beginning of successive sentences or paragraphs. This gives a speech force and momentum. Grouping things into three, as in “Friends, Romans, countrymen” – remains a staple of modern oratory. Likewise – contrasting one thing with another – gives you the chance to define the shape of an argument. And nothing makes a speaker sound focused and businesslike like than reeling out a numbered list of points.


New writers need to: Get famous fast.

Here are four ways to get over your fears, stress less, and land more lucrative projects.

The 5 Ps of public speaking:

Planning: Review the schedule, number of participants, objectives, topics, amount of time required per topic, time of practice and delivery, materials needed, where to rent seminar room, etc. Without any plans, you have nowhere to go.

Preparation: Know your audience. What interests them? What do they want to learn in the presentation?

Practice: Practicing is more than reading out the script a number of times. It should be focused and structured. Rehearse your voice, hand gestures, posture, facial expression, body movement, and timing.

Performance: It’s about establishing and maintaining a connection with the audience and responding to issues and ideas.

  • Power – This is about the volume of your voice.
  • Pace and Pitch – Proper pacing in enunciating words can help emphasize key points, build drama, and create excitement. Pitch and tone define the emotional mood of the presentation.
  • Pause – Pause gives your audience the time to process, understand, and absorb your message.
  • Pronunciation – Be careful with your pronunciation if you’d like to convey your message clearly.

Passion: Genuine passion propels you to become effective in what you do; in this case, your presentation. It drives you to exert the best effort from planning up to the presentation.


While shy writers can sometimes feel like their personality is a huge internal obstacle in the freelance world, it doesn’t have to be. Embrace who you are and don’t apologize for it.

Unleash the novel inside you

with compelling characters,

intricate worlds,

and fine-tuned prose.

“Linda has published twenty books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish. She has mentored many authors and edited their work.” 

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