Do what you love
Take a good hard look at doing what you love vs loving what you do. It is food for thought. Whoever coined the phrase “do what you love and the money will follow” was probably on vacation at the time, because the fact is, if you’re doing what you think you love, you’ll probably starve – in the short term. By doing what you love – success will follow.
We all have things we are passionate about, things that makes us tick. The pursuance of dreams shouldn’t be something anyone should take lightly. The economy, the political state and the people in your life should not stand in your way. They may not understand you, but as long as you find reason reason to pursue what you love, go ahead and do just that. You never know where this will take you, but whatever that place will be.
Love what you do
And then there is the age old argument that if everyone was “loving what they do” who would collect garbage, work as a cashier, do data-entry or a job that to some people doesn’t seem as soul fulfilling?
Loving what you do means you feel like your life has a greater purpose, and you’re not working just for the paycheck – you want to make a difference in the world.
To have balance in life – it is best to love what you do and do what you love. It makes getting out of bed easier and you much happier.
Do what you love, follow your bliss, listen to your heart and intuition, and know that by doing so, success will have no choice but to follow.
Start the voyage of discovery into unknown lands and rediscover yourself. Be willing to experience some short term pain and discomfort so that you can later experience real happiness. You will be able to do what you love and be successful at it.
“Linda has published twelve books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish.”