Quality Content Doesn’t Just Happen.

It begins with research, planning and talent. Creating easy reading is an art, the result of hard work and time – a lot of time. Whatever you’re facing: a deadline, can’t wait to publish on a blog post, or finalizing the last chapter of your book. Slow down and hit pause. When readers stumble across an inaccuracy you will lose credibility. And, the grammar police always manage to zero in on a typo. No author wants their work to look sloppy and unprofessional. And, readers do not want to tackle text that feels hard to read.

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Never compromise on quality content

It’s not easy to always write top-notch content but with the right strategies, you can make it happen. Quality content starts with the basic writing process. Think before you start writing. Set the groundwork for great text before you write a single word.

  1. plan ahead
  2. research
  3. bring in the experts – when the time is right.


A crucial part of writing quality content is giving yourself enough time to do it. Planning ahead makes it easier for you to get the most out of the time you do have.

Avoid editing on the same day you write. Then, give yourself time between writing a first draft, editing and revising before submitting the final content. A few days or weeks away from your work will provide clarity before putting the final touches on your writing.

Maximize your efficiency:

  • Find the best time to write. Organize your day so that you’re writing when your mind is at peak performance
  • Start with an outline: Create a table of contents or outline
  • Define your objectives: This help to narrow your focus and prioritize.
  • Plan ways to track your success. Ensure you have a way to get feedback about your content with tracking tools.


Become an expert. Research gives your writing credibility.

  • Study the industry. Find out what’s trending right now.
  • Know your competitors. Analyze the competition.
  • Connect with your audience. Know who is reading your work.
  • Trust feedback. Understand what your audience likes, what annoys them and what kind of content they are looking for.
  • Bounce ideas off experts. They add credibility, advice and value to your content.


Writing has never been a one-man show. Rely on the experts. If you’re writing about politics, talk to a politician. It’s not always easy to talk to experts, but doing so will make your content more valuable and give readers a reason to trust what you write.

“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish.”