The main objective of any blog is to educate your readers and bring them back to your site. Produce content they want to read. Your blog is one of your biggest assets.

Want to grow your website traffic consistently, attract new customers, build loyalty with current customers, and become a brand leader in your space?

The benefits of blogging are endless.

The goal is to continually add value by publishing informative, well-written articles created with strategy and customer engagement in mind.

Blogs provide benefits long after publishing:

  • Grow online traffic.
  • Nurture and convert customers.
  • Keep current customers engaged.
  • Differentiate you from other similar businesses.
  • Grow demand and interest in your products or services.

In conclusion:

  1. Frequency of publication (i.e. how many new articles you publish per month) is one of the predictors of success in blogging
  2. The #1 position on Google gets the lion’s share of the traffic
  3. Articles more than 1500 words get a lot more engagement on social media
  4. Aim for a threshold (21 – 54 blog posts) – once you cross that threshold, the going gets easier.
  5. Images are key to attracting readers
  6. If you update your content at least once a year, you’ll be ahead of 70% of all bloggers.
  7. Online businesses that want t0 build backlinks and traffic should start a blog on their website.

Ready to get started, have questions or need a helping hand? click this link

“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish.”