If you cry when you read my books know that I cry twice as hard when writing them. By the second chapter my characters have taken on an identity of their own, I know and understand them as well as I know myself, and I love them. I hurt when they hurt and I laugh when they laugh, and I am there every step of the way as they struggle through their dilemmas.
My novels are based on real social problems that can wrench one’s heart and all too often hits all too close to home.
It has been said that the best cure for a hard week, a long day or just a rainy weekend is a really sad book. Perhaps it is because to read about a life more harrowing than one’s own is the perfect pick-me-upper. Truth is, today’s world is complicated and overwhelming, therefore there is nothing better than curling up with a good book that captures human emotions, from pure joy to the saddest of moments, and escape the living breathing world – even if the book is a tear-jerker.
Check out my books: L.M. Wasylciw books