Having published your first blog entry your thoughts are likely winging their way through the blogosphere, reaching millions of people who are hungry for your knowledge, wit and/or wisdom.


Those millions are overfed with more than 217 million blogs vying for attention and swamped with a growing number of blogs posted everyday. See the Worldometer, in real time, as the daily world blog count rises – as posts are made. Hang onto your seat then go here to the Worldometer

After pouring all that time and effort into the process of planning your blog; researching your target market, and narrowing in on your niche — this is the part where your efforts begin to pay off.

In order for your blog to be successful from the get-go, there are certain steps you have to take to lay the groundwork.

The trick is how to drive readers to your blog:

  • Set up your blog on your author’s website. Then duplicate your blog on a separate blog, ie: blogger
  • Link your blog to automatically post to your Facbook and Twitter pages
  • Blog regularly – more than once a week
  • Start registering your blog on blog directories.

Shout me loud

Search Engine Journal

Digital SEO Guide



  • Write on guest blogs that get a million viewers a day
  • Schmooze. Bloggers have conferences. Meet & join a conference.
  • Never give up – keep on blogging
  • Repurpose your content.
  • Build links to your site.
  • Create a UTM link to track marketing campaigns.
  • Share your blog on social media.
  • Answer questions on Quora.
  • Post on subreddits.
  • Flip posts to Flipboard.
  • Reach out to influencers.
  • Guest post on popular blogs.
  • Network on related or similar blogs.
  • Use heatmaps.
  • Leverage SEO tools to audit and monitor your website performance.

Promote your blog on as many channels as possible, sometimes posting multiple times with the same link

“Linda has published fifteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish.”