ASHENEE COME HOME – missing and murdered women:

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Hidden within the depths of the boreal forest lies a secret that could change everything for Ashenee, a young Cree woman born to a traditional family. In her isolated community, her people follow the customs and beliefs of their ancestors, blissfully unaware of the countless missing indigenous women from other nearby communities. When Ashenee embarks on a journey to her mother’s village, she begins to sense a foreboding presence, a warning that something is amiss.

In this powerful and spiritual novel, readers will delve into the ancient ways of the First People of Canada; when they were in tune with the land and the spirits. The Cree tribe once roamed the Great Plains, honouring the circle of life, and performing sacred ceremonies, guided by the spirit world. But as modern society encroaches, their way of life is threatened.

This is a captivating, spiritual tale of culture, tradition, and mystery.


“This beautifully told story of an aboriginal girl Ashenee is very topical with the enquiry on Missing and Murdered Women on now. The author has given a great description of life on a reserve as the elders and community accept change in the late 20th century with both dignity and thoughtfulness. You will enjoy reading and becoming enveloped in this heartwarming story of strength and friendship.”

“Really enjoyed Stella Who? but with Ashenee Come Home you really hit your stride.  Well done.  Great stories and excellent social commentary.”

#AsheneeComeHome #LMWasylciw #MMIW #missigandmurderedwomen #Cree #indigenous