How to Write a Book DescriptionThe cover attracts their attention while the perfect book description is the hook – set it firmly enough such that you can reel them in.

In the span of just a sentence or two, you must convince readers that your story is worth their time.

How to captivate your readers:

1. pique their curiosity.
2. create an emotional connection.
3. provide entertainment, possibly with humour.
4. add a shock factor.

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How to write a good description:

Start your description with an eye catcher, grabbing the reader’s attention. Follow that with a teaser of the plot. You might want to add a by comparison ‘perfect for fans of JK Rowling’. Finish with a testimonial showing how great your book is, and then stick the landing… With a little something to make readers really want to buy your book! Part of knowing how to write a successful book description that sells is knowing what to include.


Consider the general mood you want to convey throughout your story. Is it hope, struggle, whimsy, terror, gloom, nostalgia, adventure, peace, romance, or something else entirely? Pin down your story’s mood to just one descriptor. Since you are unable to capture your story’s atmosphere, as a whole, when writing the book description, consider what type of mood you would like to set.

The right things to include:

  • succinct and to the point
  • eye-catching, powerful language
  • reviews, awards, ratings,
  • perfect for fans of ‘x, y, and z’
  • audience and age appropriate
  • proper utilization of grammar

Make sure that our book descriptions will:

  • Reflect positive sales, reviews, ratings, or book interactions.
  • Be an appropriate length.
  • Not contain any spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Have at least one hook or interesting point to grab readers’ attention.
  • Inspire readers to click “buy”.

“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish.”