Tommy Belanger had been born and raised in a dysfunctional family, plagued with abject poverty, alcohol and child abuse, incest and bestiality. The boy was always hoping for a better tomorrow as he lived a life of horror. He hated how that lifestyle affected him and his siblings and he detested his father more and more as the years slipped away. Tommy realized that it would take a miracle to escape the same life and feared the apple would never fall far from the proverbial tree.
Tommy’s story is a reflection of how child abuse and neglect are a part of our world. It is time to talk about it.
Family History of Dysfunction
Dysfunctional family patterns may repeat themselves. People tend to learn their parenting styles from their parents or other caregivers. If one or both parents abused them, they may abuse their children. Or, they may go overboard the other direction, being unnecessarily lenient. They may manipulate each other and their children as their parents did. They may not truly understand how to teach their children in healthy ways.
People who grow up in a dysfunctional family can learn better ways of parenting. They can learn how to love, appreciate, respect, and deal with each other in a less emotional, erratic way. A willingness to do the work it takes to overcome those issues and find someone to teach them better ways to parent can help put an end to a dysfunctional family environment.
Dysfunctional families tend to be unpredictable, chaotic, and frightening for children.
Traumatic childhood experiences
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Physical and Emotional neglect
- Witnessing domestic violence
- A parent or close family member who is an alcoholic or addict
- A parent or close family member who is mentally ill
- Separated or divorced parents
- A parent incarcerated
In ‘functional’ families, parents strive to create an environment in which everyone feels safe, heard, loved and respected. Households of ow conflict, high levels of support and open communication. Alternatively, growing up in a dysfunctional family can leave children emotionally scarred, and affect them throughout their lives.
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