A wander through woodland is a great experience for the senses, with things to see, hear, smell and touch. This gives your brain lots to absorb, and each change in the weather and season will reveal something new to keep your mind alert.

For many, time in the great outdoors is an escape from the pace and stress of normal life. It has a calming, restorative effect on the mind.

Forest bathing, or micro-dosing on nature, is all about immersing one’s self in the healing properties of trees and plants. Enter a forest, walk slowly or sit, open all your senses, meditate, don’t apply effort, just breathe. The concept behind this Japanese tradition – ‘shinrin-yuko’ – is to take in the forest atmosphere. Timeless wisdom never goes out of style. This practice has proven to lower blood pressure, reduce stress , boost the immune system, and improve well-being.

Micro-dosing on nature is a way to blend nature with mindfulness. Forest bathing is not a sweaty hike in the woods. Tune in to the smells, textures, tastes and sights of the forest. Walk slowly, notice the shades of green, the towering canopy, the blueness of the sky, the sound of a twig snapping and the sudden flapping of winged life. Breathe in slowly, exhale. Breathe in slowly then exhale.


  • WHO benefits: everyone – every person on this planet
  • WHAT it is: Essentially, forest bathing is a slow walk in the woods – with emphasis on slow
  • HOW it is done: Take your time, relax, notice the sights, sounds, smells and forms around you.
  • WHEN: Do it as often as possible
  • WHERE: In any wooded area

And don’t forget to leave your cell phone at home!

Forest Bathing 101

You didn’t come into this world.
You came from it, like a leaf falling from a tree.
And you are no stranger to the forest, absorb it.


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“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish. She has mentored many authors and edited their work.” 

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