I’m an author, not a publicist, but these days most authors have to invest a great deal of time and energy in promoting their work. Most author’s dilemma is finding the secret – the best way to approach and master marketing. Let’s begin with creative, effective, independent thinking. Popular media is rife with talk of branding, advertising and sales strategy successes and failures.

My approach is to find ways of connecting with readers that are fun – extension of my creative work.

Beware of jumping on the bandwagon. Using the same strategy as everyone else. Be a change-maker. Trust your gut instinct and step out on the limb.

The 5 P’s of marketing – Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People. 
A good marketing strategy is applying positioning and all about how you sell the product.
Successful marketers never stop marketing. They understand the needs of clients and prospects.
Create a marketing plan that will allow you to execute that strategy. Your marketing plan should be constantly reviewed and include a way for you to evaluate its success. Each time you review your plan, update as necessary. This will allow you to respond quickly to changes in customer needs and attitudes. Evaluation or your plan and making updates or changes when necessary is a key element of successful marketing efforts.

1. Creating images

It’s a different way of engaging creatively. For me, it’s a break from writing that keeps me imaginatively awake. Images often inspire and give clarity. Find a quote from your book – just a sentence or two – that captures an idea or atmosphere, then choose an image and put the two together.

2. Write a short story

based in the same world as your full-length books.

3. Audio recording

You can read the story yourself and then add sound effects and music. There are lots of sites where you can access free sound effects. You can also buy professional music from many companies.

4. Make a trailer

I created my own trailers for each of my  books. I wrote a script (keptit short and simple), recorded the audio, and then added images and video footage.

Unleash the novel inside you!

Write a great story, that needs to be told,

with compelling characters,

intricate worlds,

and fine-tuned prose.

NEED A HAND click this link



“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish. She has mentored many authors and edited their work.”