Most customers will expect  to find your business on the internet. The web is a jungle of countless competing sites tirelessly contending for customers and market shares. Creating a website that sells is a goal within reach of any motivated company. Begin by investing time and market knowledge!

Your website is your personal salesperson that can sell to hundreds of people in one day. But that can only be achieved when your website has been designed to successfully perform that task. The goal of your website should be consistent sales, making money for you while you sleep.

If you have a product to sell – you need a website. Start with an end in mind. Show off your products with photos. Make it easy to navigate.

When it comes to creating a successful website, do not overlook the importance of having one. A well performing website is NOT too expensive to support your business. Begin by crafting your pitch.

6 tips to setting up a website:

  1. Keep the design simple, fresh and unique.
  2. Consider that your visitors might be visiting from laptops, tablets and mobile phones.
  3. Showcase your products and services.
  4. Consider site load times.
  5. Make your site easily accessible.
  6. Organize your site to provide a great user experience.

Once you have your personal website updated with all the relevant information, it’s time to go live. Share your new site with your network so they understand your products. Link your website to your social media sites.

Unleash the novel inside you!

Write a great story, that needs to be told,

with compelling characters,

intricate worlds,

and fine-tuned prose.

NEED A HAND click this link


“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish.”