Every good story will capture attention by creating tension, and very quickly the audience will align their emotions with the characters.

Listening to stories produces a chemical, called oxytocin, a key driver in order to cooperate with others. The more oxytocin produced, the more people are willing to help others.

Stories also give our brains a shot of cortisol and dopamine. Cortisol focuses our attention while dopamine is the reward for following the story.

When we listen to, or read, stories, our brains go through a process of actually experiencing those events: a fight, falling in love or dining in a fancy restaurant. By putting our motor or sensory cortex to work, those experiences are stored in our brains.

3 keys facts to know:

  1. The heart, not the brain, drives sales: To sell anything, people need to feel an emotional connection.
  2. Stories turn customers into protagonists: when your stories reflect the challenge an audience faces, your audience will be much more likely to resonate with your brand.
  3. Stories capture attention: A great, authentic and honest story will capture the minds and hearts of viewers.

Storytelling is an incredibly powerful one-two punch. Creating your brand-story should be almost as important as creating your product or service. The more your brand is in touch with a larger story, the greater your ability for success.

Promote your business with storytelling:

Stories have more impact than facts. They get attention, are remembered, change perceptions and change attitudes.

“Linda has published sixteen books. She blogs about the publishing world, posts useful tips on the challenges a writer faces, including marketing and promoting your work, how to build your online platform, how to get reviews and how to self-publish.”